Volunteer and Help Support AAPS
To ensure everyone’s safety, we are suspending our Volunteer Program until further notice.
Updates will be posted here and on our FaceBook page.
As a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop relies on the help of many volunteers to fulfill its mission of providing much-needed financial support to Ann Arbor Public Schools. The net proceeds from our resale operations go directly to Ann Arbor Public Schools in support of enrichment activities and extra-curricular programs for students.
Whether you are able to donate a few hours a month or a few hours a week, every volunteer hour helps AAPS. We are always in need of volunteers to help with sorting donated merchandise and tagging it for sale in the Thrift Shop. There are many volunteer opportunities available for anyone needing Community Service Hours for National Honor Society, CAS for the IB schools, or just wanting to give back to their community.
Click on the link below for our Volunteer Sign-up. If you are part of a larger group that is interested in volunteering or want to set up something on a regular basis, please click the link below for First-time Volunteers and fill out our Volunteer Application. Once your application has been submitted, someone will contact you!
First-time Volunteers: Click here for our Volunteer Application!
PLEASE NOTE: If you are under 18 years of age, you must have a parent/guardian signature on the application before you can volunteer.
Looking for the link to our Volunteer Sign-up? Fill out the Volunteer Application and we’ll contact you!
Many thanks for your continued support!
Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop!
Proudly supporting the Ann Arbor Public Schools and its students since 1993!

Find out how you can help support AAPS by
Volunteering at the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop!
Click on the Volunteer Application above
Email a2ptothriftshop@gmail.com!